Family & Children

Yom Ha’atzmaut: Celebrating Israel’s 75th Birthday

| THU, APR 06, 2023

Bring your family to the J to celebrate Israel’s 75th birthday through the lens of art, photography, music, sports and culinary. To mark this special birthday, there will be double…

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Yom Ha’atzmaut: Celebrating Israel’s 75th Birthday

| THU, APR 06, 2023

Bring your family to the J to celebrate Israel’s 75th birthday through the lens of art, photography, music, sports and culinary. To mark this special birthday, there will be double…

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Babies & Biceps

| SAT, APR 01, 2023

Come ready to sweat and work to a kid-friendly playlist. All levels welcome in this 45-minute low impact class! No equipment necessary. Workout will incorporate your baby, if they are…

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Babies & Biceps

| SAT, APR 01, 2023

Come ready to sweat and work to a kid-friendly playlist. All levels welcome in this 45-minute low impact class! No equipment necessary. Workout will incorporate your baby, if they are…

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The Great Afikomen Hunt

| MON, MAR 27, 2023

The Seder isn’t over until the afikomen is found and eaten! Help us find all the hidden afikomen in Ware Park and win a prize! As a fun, Passover-friendly snack,…

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