Connect with Israel
Connecting our community to the people, history, culture, and land of Israel is an integral part of the Evelyn Rubenstein JCC. From lectures to film, music, and art, there are many exciting ways to engage with, educate about, and celebrate Israel.
Shlichim Program
Our Israeli Shlichim work to expand education, understanding and engagement with Israel throughout the Houston Jewish and greater community. They work with all ages, but primarily with high school students in area synagogues, schools, youth movements and other Jewish organizations through classes programs and events. This international program is designed to engage communities to be actively involved in becoming closer to their Jewish identity through Israel.
Our Shlichim (emissaries) Program is made possible by a partnership between the JCC Association, The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI), and funding from the Jewish Federation of Greater Houston.

Shlicha, Evelyn Rubenstein JCC, September 2022 – Present Hi! My name is Shoshi, I am 27 years old and originally from Efrat, a town in Gush Etzion, south of Jerusalem. I…